Access by car:
By car it is best to arrive from ul. African.
There is also a parking lot along this street.
Arrival by bus:
The nearest stop is ‘International 02’ at Al. The United States. However, you can walk from the following street: Afrykanska or Lizbonska.
Details of travel by bus are best seen on the site „Jak dojadę”:
Zapraszamy na Trening.
Weź ze sobą:
Weź ze sobą:
- sportswear
- a small towel
- sports shoes for a change
Bank transfer details::
NET TRADE Robert Lendzion
Al. Stanów Zjednoczonych 26A
03-964 Warszawa
NIP: 524 256 40 68
Numer konta ING:
48 1050 1025 1000 0092 0133 8036
Friendly and professional service. The instructors are happy to help and provide valuable comments
The nice atmosphere in the club is noticeable, focusing on specific training and achieving goals. The instructors support and care about the success of the trainees
Classes for pregnant women are wonderful .. I recommend